How to install Magento theme in Localhost – Windows

How to install Magento theme in localhost , is a common question frequently asked by the developers. Indeed a efficient coder should have knowledge to build websites in a local environment. Because working on local environment can increase speed regarding website development. All we need to upload the site in to the server after making changes . And that can easily done through a good cPanel or using FTP client.

However being an Aspiration client all you need to collect the folder from developer. And leave rest of the part to us. In a short time our tech team will upload your site live with efficiency. Because we’re providing development services with our Mage cloud hosting plans. And remember the tech services in absolutely free of any cost – Tanzia Farin Chy for Aspiration Hosting.

how to install Magento theme in localhost? – Before installation

Make sure following steps has been taken care of  before theme installation:

First the latest xampp software has been installed in computer.

Secondly we have successfully created a new DB inside local MySQL . And already installed Magento locally into the DB. Along with the new username and password.


how to install Magento theme in localhost? – theme file

First we have to download the theme file or collect it from the developer in any of the supported format . zip,rar or gz etc.

Note remember: Here we’re considering you already installed the Magento in localhost. Either you can read our articles about Installing Magento in local server.

Now extract the theme folder using software like winrar or any other you like.

Next we copy theme folder including app,skin,media,js and any other folder etc. And paste it to the Magento Root Folder.

Finally go to the following path:

admin panel > system > configuration >Design – using Mage Dashboard.

Under design select the new theme you’ve copied inside the Mage root folder.

Here remember to clear your browser cache. And also delete the var/cache folder if necessary.

Simply hit the save button to save the changes . Later we can also upload the entire Mage folder to our live Mage server. Finally enjoy using your new Mage theme!!!