How does one plan a Magento eCommerce store?

Online shoppers are sophisticated and why wouldn’t they be? They are accustomed to making buying decisions on sites like Amazon and Zappos, businesses that invest millions in studying user behavior, and then invest billions more in building cutting-edge functions to serve their customer’s desires. Fortunately, the smart eCommerce system like Magento serves both the biggest online retailers and small businesses. 

The main aspects to consider when planning a Magento site are:

1. Define your audience

The first principle is to know your audience. Define your regulars as narrowly as you can. Some typical segments for a business-to-consumer regular might be gender, age and geographic location.

2. Corral your content

Your site’s purpose may be to sell products, but the vehicle that drives sales is your content. What’s relevant is whether it resonates with your market and gets results for that consider the following,

  • Good design is the foundation of a successful site

Quality design deepens your credibility, encourages visitors to spend time on the site and directs your visitor’s path from first click all the to submit my order.

  • Color matters

Green, Blue and purple in that order, have been statistically proven to increase site growth, while red causes a drop in visits.

  • The way your page is composed

It will determine the order in which your customers view your content. Visitors generally look at the top section first. This means you must think now about what types of content are most important to your business.

  • As visitors increasingly surf the web on mobile devices

A responsive site works on a variety of devices without requiring the visitors to resize. Responsiveness is more than simply shrinking the page to fit the screen.

  • Use pictures to increase sales

People are more likely to buy based on detailed photos than on reviews and ratings.

  • Videos make an impression

Product or explainer videos increase the chance that a visitor will make a purchase by 85%.

3. Turn your customers into a sales force

Most of the clients trust other clients than the vendors. Social media is a powerful tool to build trust.

  • Social media

Each product page should display your social media icons. Allow your visitors to sign in using their social media accounts. This little gesture makes them like your site and therefore to share products with their friends.

  • Be an open book with a blog

Every post should not try to push a sale, most of your posts should be chatty and interesting.

4. Tailor your site for a comfortable fit

Magento offers great flexibility. You can customize your layout, product discovery, checkout, extensions, support, sitemap, SEO and more..

5. The value of a good foundation

A lot of work goes into planning, designing and also building a new site. But it’s worth taking a methodical approach because the work you put into your site now will pay off later.

We are here to help you with Magento Hosting…

If you have questions moving to Magento, Aspiration Hosting can help you. We specialize in high-performance Cloud hosting services. Our main focus is on Magento Hosting solutions as well as other PHP Applications like Simple Machines Forum (SMF), WordPress, Drupal, Joomla etc.

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Magento Hosting

Aspiration Hosting uses very powerful servers and the most advanced technologies which allow us to offer one of the fastest hosting services in the industry. We also offer helpful and effective customer service and support and our Customer Reviews can attest to that.

So what are you waiting for? Contact us immediately for your Magento needs!