Creating a Basic Module in Magento -Activating Module – Part 3

In the third part we will continue as a Magento Module creator. As we already created a new XML file under the path “app/etc/modules”. Now we’ll assign the module to Mage. Remember we can use any name but for ease here we’ll use the format “namespace_modulename”. Also we need to remember the case sensitivity. Next we’ll create XML file (app/etc/modules/Mage_ProductsLogUpadate.xml) using following codes.

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<?xml version="1.0"?>

active – to active or deactive module use true or false.

codePool –  to select the desired pool for example: core, community and local etc.

Magento Module Creator –  Activating Module

However we have a Module now and is ready to use in Mage. Now we’ll log in to the Mage Admin Panel to check the operation. Next browse through System > Configuration > Advanced> Advanced. Under the Advanced tab find Disable Module Output. Here we should find our module “Mage_ProductLogUpdate”. So, recheck the process again if there is no module available. As a result, our current module structure should look like following.

magento module creator

Here we saw “How to active module by using a XMl file?”. Next we’ll continue to the 4th part of custom basic module creation – Event observer.  So, be Magento module creator with us in this step by step tutorial!!

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