What is new in Drupal Commerce? A perfect eCommerce solution

In the last decade, with the development of the internet, the trend of shopping has changed a lot.  From the sellers perspective, eCommerce is nothing but a blessing. Also, it has opened a new door of opportunities sellers. In this era of globalization and marketing, reliability, efficiency, and attractiveness have become the key to the success of the product. If you’re planning to launch an eCommerce version of your product showroom to reach customers around the states, even more. In such a case, Drupal 8 can be a great solution to build your eCommerce site. Because this popular CMS comes with the Drupal Commerce 2.x feature.  The Drupal Commerce earns great respect. So, let’s dive into the latest features of Drupal. Also, let’s find out the reason why merchants love the CMS as an e-commerce solution.

If you’re about to launch your eCommerce website and searching a reliable host for the site. Just take a few minutes to go through our Drupal Cloud Hosting plans.  We’re ensuring SSD cloud storage and Lite speed web server including Drupal support absolutely free of any cost.

Top reasons to choose Drupal 8 as an eCommerce solution:

Before taking a dive into Drupal Commerce we want to discuss the general features of Drupal 8. Also, the overall characteristics of the CMS that support the business type, here eCommerce.

  • To increase the number of visitors on the website there is no alternative to Search Engine Optimization. Now, the question is, How people will find our site on the Internet? Among many aspects, the most efficient way to SEO is writing content. The more useful and informative content has a direct impact on the DA (Domain Authority) and PA (Page Authority) of the site. Similarly, the Higher DA & PA is related to the PR (Page Ranking). So more content means more organic traffic, and more traffic means the probability of sales. And Drupal 8 offers a great content management system to serve the SEO purpose.
  • Next is the Mobile responsiveness. With the evolution of Andriod and IOS, today a large number of internet users are diversified towards mobile phone and tablets. It’s an open truth that smartphones can do everything similar to PC. Furthermore, it gives mobility to its user. Drupal is 100% mobile responsive and dynamically fit any mobile screen-size. So, by using Drupal attract mobile users towards your site.

More features:

  • As we always said, the loading speed is vital for online shops. Today people have less time and lot to do. So, if your page load faster and it indirectly encourages the user to spend more time on that website. Similarly, the more time they spend the more the go through catalogs, products and who knows they might place an order too. For the same reason, Drupal includes a powerful cache management a system. For example, BigPipe. This extension instantly loads the basic site in front of shoppers and later loads the dynamic version.
  • Open source third-party applications make Drupal 8 versatile and add better functionality. In Drupal 8 you can add payments, marketing analytics, online customer support, and CRMs etc. The Drupal 8 offers built-in services for the best experience of third-party apps.
  • Online shops are the most efficient way to become a global brand. And in Drupal 8 you can display your site to the entire world in their native language. For example, no more missing out customers from China!!! Simply pick your desired languages and add them into the website. Drupal has hundreds of built-in languages to serve your purpose.

Top reasons to choose Drupal commerce as an eCommerce solution:

Let’s move on a specific Drupal 8 application that is Drupal Commerce. In the below section, we’ll try our best to figure out the best features of Drupal Commerce regarding as an eCommerce solution.

  • First, Drupal Commerce supports the multi-store feature. Simply this means, you can manage and multiple shops or brands under a single registration. For example, you can simply display two websites for two different brands your retailing. Not only the brand but also you can launch multiple stores regarding their type, language preferences, and product type. For an instance, an XYZ brand can have two shops one is focused on bicycle and another one for accessories.
  • As we’re planning to globalize our brand in Drupal Commerce you can add and serve in multiple currencies. Also, you can include custom currencies like BDT for Bangladesh. Only you need to provide the currency code.

drupal commerce

Drupal 8 takes the name of each currency, their language, formatting, and every important specification. The Drupal Commerce guys/intl library holds this extensive information.

Note: The library maintains the CLDR standard. 

  • Next Drupal Commerce 2.x provides great product handling features. For example, each attribute has own SKU. SKU can be read using a machine which is an efficient way to maintain stock or inventory.
  • Drupal commerce offers 70+ payment gateways & flexible payments features. Including the most trustworthy gateways such as Authorize.Net, Braintree, PayPal, Square, Stripe, Vantiv, etc. On top of that, here you can also create for any payment module.

drupal commerce

Top 5 flexible payment features:

    1. First, On-site payment gateways – customers can enter credit card info on site and apply tokenization regarding Data protection.
    2. Second, Off-site gateways – redirect clients to the third-party payment service such as PayPal and back to your site.
    3. Third, Off-site gateways – iframe do not redirect clients to the third-party service and embedded frame handles the checkout process.
    4. Fourth, Manual gateway option – Cash on delivery, Checks, Bank Transfers or Card on delivery, etc.
    5. Fifth, Instant Payment Notification or IPN – Sets the notification about events like PayPal transactions.

In a word, Drupal Commerce interfaces let you authorize, void, or refund the payments simultaneously.

  • Next, promote your site with Drupal on the basis of commission sharing or fixed type built-in promotions.

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  • In Drupal Commerce, configure shipping methods, customize them and manage shipments etc. There is a built-in app called Commerce Shipping for handling shipments. It has two default features where you can set a flat rate per order or per item. Either we can use the specific extensions to manage our shipping method and rules.

For more information related Drupal 8 and Commerce stay with Aspiration Hosting.