Positive aspects of Node.js web Application development

Are you familiar with Node.js? It is free and also an open source server environment. It runs on various platforms like Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac OS X, etc. Node.js uses JavaScript on the server. It can simply be described as a Javascript run-time environment that helps in the execution of JavaScript code server-side. 

Pros of Node.js

1. Better Scalability

Developers can easily scale the applications in horizontal as well as the vertical directions. With the addition of nodes to the existing system, applications can be scaled in a horizontal manner. It also provides you with the option of adding extra resources to the single nodes during the vertical scaling of the application. Thus it provides more option than other JavaScript servers.

2. Easy to learn

As we all know javascript is a popular language, hence almost all front end developers have a good knowledge about it. Therefore,  it becomes very easy to learn Node.js for them and also it consumes less time to work with it.

3. Used as a Single Programming language

Node.js developers can write both front-end as well as back-end web application in JavaScript using a runtime environment. Because of almost all the web browsers support JavaScript it also makes the deployment of the web applications simpler.


4. High Performance

Node.js interprets the JavaScript code via Google’s V8 JavaScript engine. This will comply with the JavaScript code directly into the machine code. Hence it will be a very easy and also faster method to implement the code in an effective manner.

5. Caching

The runtime environment of Node.js provides a caching facility. Whenever any request for the first modules arises it gets cached in the application memory. Caching helps to load the web pages faster and also responds more swiftly to the user.

6. Handles request simultaneously

It comes with an option of non-blocking I/O systems. Hence it will process several requests at a time.

Reach us to know more about. Aspiration Hosting is one of the top web hosting companies that  comes with Node.js hosting solutions. We have a range of hosting services that will suit the smallest to the biggest of websites. We have a technical team who works for 24 hours to take care of your servers. You just sit and relax. We will take care of your business. We have thousands of happy clients all around the world. Come talk to us about your future.