How to Protect your Magento Store from Ransomware Attack?

Hope you have heard about Ransomware attack. Ransomware is a malicious software that locks the data of the victims and demand payment to get back the access. Some attackers use a technique called cryptoviral extortion to encrypt the victim’s file and make it inaccessible to them and demand for ransom payment to decrypt the data. This malware can be spread through malicious email attachments, software apps, and also through external storage devices.

ransomware attack

Now let’s see why Magento stores are under threat. Magento is a very popular eCommerce platform and almost 30% of online stores are built on Magento. Since these online stores generate millions every month they are very sensitive about their reputation and do the needful as soon as possible to resolve the issues. Hence they target these sites more.

How to protect your Magento store from Ransomware attack?

  • Make sure you apply all the Magento Security Patches up to date to take care of all vulnerabilities in Magento codes. 
  • Always try to choose Strong Password that is a combination of special characters, numbers, alphabets etc. And also try to change your password within a regular interval. 
  • Change your Magento admin Panel URL to a non-standard URL. It should not be /admin. 
  • Also, change the default Magento admin username to a non-generic one. It should not be admin.
  • Always take regular Backups of your files as well as databases.

Aspiration Hosting is one of the top web hosting companies that specializes in Magento, WooCommerce, WordPress, Drupal and also Joomla. We perform regular and daily MySQL and R1Soft Server backups. We have thousands of happy clients with many positive reviews around the web.  Our technical team will provide you with 24/7 topnotch support. You can reach us through Live Chat and Help Desk.

Hope this article helps you take care of your website.

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