What type of SSL certificate does my Website need?

Security is one of the major concerns for internet users. To get customers, you have to make them believe that your website is trustworthy. Also a lot of options are available to make your website secure. You can secure your website with an SSL certificate. Before choosing an SSL certificate you have to do some researches on it to get the right certificate for your site. You have noticed that some websites URL begins with http:// instead https://.

Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is a communication protocol that enables the transfer of information between a website’s server and a visitor’s browser. HTTP Secure (HTTPS) is a safer protocol that encrypts the data transmission over the internet. Google highly recommends the use of HTTPS. To use HTTPS on your website you need an SSL certificate. This SSL certificate activates the HTTPS protocol and also enables a secure transmission of data between the server and the browser. SSL certificate verifies that your connection is secure and thus visitors will be confident about the website security. Various options are available in a SSL certificate. To obtain a SSL certificate is not difficult, but you should choose the type that suits your business. The main advantage of a SSL is customer trust, security against phishing, Improved SEO rankings, and also ability to accept orders from your website.

Types of SSL certificate

Domain Validated (DV)

Domain validation is one of the simplest methods. To get this certificate you need to prove that you own your domain. Certificate Authority performs this validation either through email or by checking Domain Name System records. The DV certificates are simple, quick and also cheap. Some are even free. But on the other side, the DV provides only least security. Most of the hosting providers will provide you with SSL certificates. So to get the SSL you need not search for other vendors.

Aspiration Hosting is one of the top Web Hosting companies. We offer a range of SSL Certificates to suit different business needs. Aspiration Hosting offers free Let’s Encrypt SSL and DV costs $19/year. The main difference between Let’s Encrypt and DV are brand recognition, warranty and site seal.


Organization Validated (OV)

Organization Validated provides more trust than Domain validated. OV will take time to get approval. It will take a few business days. The OV certificate is more advanced and also more expensive. OV creates greater trust between you and your visitors because visitors can easily find out the details about who runs the site.   Aspiration Hosting provides OV certificate at a cost of $129/year.


Extended Validated

You will not get this certificate easily. Certificate Authority will perform a detailed investigation before issuing the certificate. It will look for proof of the organization’s existence, legal status, identity, ownership of the site’s domain name, and more. This type is most expensive, it  will also take more time to get the certificate. This certificate provides you with the highest level of security. EV certificate is good for the websites handles the personal data of the customers. Aspiration Hosting provides EV certificate at a cost of $229/year.


No matter what type of website is yours, it’s important to make it secure. SSL Certificate is one of the best way to make your site secure and thereby you can increase the trust between you and your visitors. Customers trust will brings you business. Always try to create happy customers.

Visit our website to know more about SSL certificates. You can reach us at any time. Our team is available for 24 hours. We are always happy to help you. You can reach us through Live Chat and also Help Desk.